
What this site is:

To put it simply, this is a platform for period stories. First time stories, horror/shame stories, period sex stories, period after baby stories, learning how it works stories, funny stories. Tell me how much you love your period or how much you hate your period. Give me wonderful sentences like my mother-in-law’s, “I’m having the hugest period ever.” Tell me about your flow and your cramps and everything else that comes with it. Tell me what having your period (or not having one) means to you. This is a space to share with others your experiences to normalize the conversation around menstruation; to make it something we can openly participate in. Tell me what informs your decision on when and where and with whom you discuss your cycle with. Let’s work to remove the shame we have been told to have about bleeding. Maybe you have no shame surrounding menstruation–awesome! I want to know that too. I’m thinking about the ostracizing that is connected with this physiological cycle. This is an inclusive space. Trans bodies, current and post menopausal bodies, post hysterectomy bodies, you are part of this and I want your stories. Everyone. Send your words, read others. Spread the word. We’re talking about it.

Who runs this?

Hi! I’m Rebecca and I like to talk about periods. I’m a writer, reader, educator, and athlete. In no particular order. Or, they change depending on the day, or the time of day. I believe in the power of the human body in all its forms and the validity of people’s individual experiences.